JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルInfrared and radio measurements of the density structure of compact H II regions
著者(英)Megeath, S. T.; Herter, T.; Gull, G. E.; Houck, J. R.
著者所属(英)Cornell Univ.
内容記述The density structure of compact H II regions is studied by comparing the ratio of the S III forbidden 33.47-micron and 18.71-micron emission lines and 5-GHz continuum maps. Electron densities are computed for DR 22, G29.9 - 0.0, G75.84 + 0.4, M8, M42, S158, W3, and W33. For DR 22, M42, and W3, the electron densities determined from the IR data are consistent with those derived from radio observations. The densities for S158 and M8 are quite low, implying that the S III emission is dominated by the diffuse ionized gas observed in the radio continuum. For G29.9 - 0.0, G75.84 + 0.4, and W33, the S III data give higher densities than predicted from radio observations. This implies that either these nebulae are filled with dense clumps of ionized gas which are not resolved in the radio maps, or that the S III zone is confined to the small, dense cores found in the radio maps of all three nebulae.
