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タイトルBalloon Intercomparison Campaigns - Results of remote sensing measurements of HCl
著者(英)Carli, B.; Farmer, C. B.; Carlotti, M.; Bonetti, A.; Dinelli, B. M.
著者所属(英)Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche|Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The balloon-borne instruments used in the two Balloon Intercomparison Campaigns in 1982 and 1983 to measure stratospheric HCl included five different IR spectrometers, three of which operated in the solar absorption mode and two in emission mode (at distinctly different wavelengths). This paper describes the instruments and the data reduction and analysis procedures used in each case, together with the sources and estimated magnitudes of associated errors. Comparisons are made between different techniques (absorption vs emission) used on the same gondola, as well as between the same technique used on different gondolas. The final results yield a mean profile of HCl concentration between 18 and 40 km altitude. The absolute accuracy of the final profile is estimated to be no worse than 10 percent.
