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タイトルNGC 1614 - An IR-luminous merger but not (yet?) an active galaxy
著者(英)Standord, S. A.; Hutchings, J. B.; Neff, S. G.; Unger, S. W.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center|Royal Greenwich Observatory|Dominion Astrophysical Observatory|Wisconsin Univ.
内容記述New observations of the merging galaxy NGC 1614 are described. The system has a nuclear region of QSO-like luminosity, but shows no direct evidence for an active nucleus. It is heavily and unevenly reddened across its nucleus, while infrared imaging also shows a 'ridge' of dust. The inner spiral structure of the galaxy has normal rotation for an inclined disk, as indicated by the H-alpha emission. A linear 'tail' to the S and extended arms to the E have more positive velocities, and probably are the remains of an interacting companion and the tidal plume(s) caused by the collision. The only H I seen in emission appears to coincide with bright knots of H-alpha and forbidden O III emission of the base of the tail. The lack of direct evidence for an active nucleus indicates that if NGC 1614 is a precursor to a Seyfert-like system the AGN has not yet turned on.
