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タイトルBehavior of air exposure of medium beta (= 0.45) niobium sc cavity
著者(日)斉藤 健治
著者(英)Saito, Kenji
著者所属(日)高エネルギー加速器研究機構 加速器研究施設
著者所属(英)High Energy Accelerator Research Organization Accelerator Laboratory
刊行物名Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on RF Superconductivity, SRF2001
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on RF Superconductivity, SRF2001
抄録The superconducting medium beta structure is being developed to upgrade proton energy from 400 MeV to 600 MeV in the KEK/JAERI joint project (phase 2). In this development, it is required to establish a reliable final horizontal cavity assembly procedure in order to realize the excellent performance in the accelerator. So far it is known with beta = 1 sc cavities that the performance of the niobium sc cavity electropolished, high pressure water rinsed, and then baked, has no degradation with a long term air exposure followed by high pressure water rinsing. Recently it was tested whether this finding is true for the medium beta (= 0.45) structure using a very excellent cavity with E(sub p) = 68 MV/m (H(sub rf) = 1,750 Gauss). A preliminary experimental result shows a different behavior from beta = 1 cavities. Q(sub 0) was lowered by factor 3 or 4 after air exposure. The Q(sub 0)-degradation was improved by additional baking, but the achievable field gradient was limited to E(sub p) = 50 MV/m. In this paper, the experimental results will be presented.
キーワードKEK/JAERI Joint Project; proton accelerator; superconducting cavity resonator; medium beta Nb superconducting cavity; air exposure; high pressure water rinsing; critical field limitation; surface resistance; Q factor; research and development; electropolishing; multipacting; Ar; KEK/JAERIジョイント・プロジェクト; 陽子加速器; 超伝導空洞共振器; 中間ベータ・ニオブ超伝導空洞; 空気露出; 高圧水リンス; 臨界磁場限界; 表面抵抗; Q因子; 研究開発; 電解研磨; マルチパクティング; Ar
資料種別Conference Paper
