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タイトルEnd-point control of a two-link manipulator with a very flexible forearm - Issues and experiments
著者(英)Oakley, Celia M.; Cannon, Robert H., Jr.
著者所属(英)Stanford Univ.
内容記述For mechanical manipulators, a logical sensor location is at the manipulator end-point where tasks are performed. Unfortunately, when bending flexibility exists between an end-point sensor and a joint actuator, stability and performance are achieved only through sophisticated control design. Some of the issues involved in utilizing end-point sensing for two-link flexible manipulators are addressed. A modeling technique that properly represents the foreshortening of a flexible link undergoing deflections is presented. In order to realize fully the advantages of the assumed-modes modeling method, mode shapes are selected that allow a low-order model to be used effectively for simulation and control purposes. A nonlinear controller, incorporating state feedback and a constant-gain extended Kalman filter driven by end-point measurements, is designed and compared to a conventional proportional-plus-derivative controller that uses collocated sensors. Results from implementing these controllers on the experimental Stanford multilink flexible manipulator are given.
