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タイトルVLBI observations at 2.3 GHz of the compact galaxy 1934-638
著者(英)Niell, Arthur E.; Nicolson, George D.; Wehrle, Ann E.; Skjerve, Lyle; Preston, Robert A.; Tzioumis, Anastasios K.; Morabito, David D.; Jauncey, David L.; Meier, David L.; Slade, Martin A.
著者所属(英)Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization|Council for Scientific and Industrial Research|Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.|Nuffield Radio Astronomy Labs.|California Univ.|Sydney Univ.|Northeast Radio Observatory Corp.
内容記述VLBI observations of the strong radio source 1934-638 show it to be a binary with a component separation of 42.0 + or - 0.2 mas, a position angle of 90.5 + or - 1 deg, and component sizes of about 2.5 mas. The results imply the presence of an additional elongated component aligned with, and between, the compact double components. The sources's almost equal compact double structure, peaked spectrum, low variability, small polarization, and particle-dominated radio lobes suggests that it belongs to the class of symmetric compact double sources identified by Phillips and Mutel (1980, 1981, 1982).
