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タイトルIridium in the Vredefort Bronzite Granophyre - Impact melting and limits on a possible extraterrestrial component
著者(英)Orth, C. J.; Quintana, L. R.; French, B. M.
著者所属(英)Los Alamos National Lab.; NASA Headquarters
内容記述The Bronzite Granophyre was analyzed for Ir and other elements to examine whether its origin was due to impact melting or conventional igneous assimilation and to search for a possible extraterrestrial component in the melt. No such component is identified. Ir values range from 50-130 pg/g, equivalent to less than 0.05 percent C1 material. Further evidence against an extraterrestrial source of siderophiles are the low Ir/Au ratios and the absence of systematic correlations between Ir and other elements. However, the Granophyre is significantly enriched in Ir over other Vredefort granitic rocks, implying a fundamental difference between them. Geochemical mixing models indicate that the Ir observed in the Granophyre can be supplied from high-Ir local shales and quartzites during an impact melting event. The results are consistent with the view that the Granophyre is an impact melt and that Vredefort is an impact structure.
