JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSolar radiative transfer in cirrus clouds. I - Single-scattering and optical properties of hexagonal ice crystals. II - Theory and computations of multiple scattering in an anisotropic medium
著者(英)Takano, Yoshihide; Liou, Kuo-Nan
著者所属(英)Utah Univ.
内容記述The light scattering and absorption programs of Cai and Liou (1982) and Takano and Jaweera (1985) are extended to include hexagonal ice crystals randomly and horizontally oriented in space. The scattering and polarization results for the ice crystals are calculated. The results are compared with measurement data. The single-scattering properties for horizontally oriented columns and plates are presented and used to explain halos and arcs observed in the atmopshere. In the second section, the theory and computations for multiple scattering in cirrus clouds containing oriented ice crystals are presented. The radiative transfer in clouds composed of horizontally oriented ice crystals is formulated. Also, reflected and transmitted intensities, planetary albedo, and polarization in multiple scattering by ice crystals are discussed.
