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タイトルAsteroid/comet encounter opportunities for the Galileo VEEGA mission
著者(英)Johannesen, Jennie R.; Byrnes, Dennis V.; D'Amario, Louis A.; Nolan, Brian G.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The opportunity for the Galileo spacecraft to perform a close flyby of an asteroid or distant observation of a comet while on the Venus-Earth-Earth-Gravity-Assist (VEEGA) mission to Jupiter is discussed. More than 120 nominal trajectories were used in a scan program to identify asteroids passing within 30 million km of the spacecraft. A total of 47 asteroids were examined to determine the propellant cost of a close flyby. The possible flybys include a double asteroid flyby with No. 951 in October, 1991, with a flyby of No. 243 in August 1993. The factors considered in the selection of an asteroid include the propellant margin cost of modifying a nominal trajectory to include a close flyby, the size and type of asteroid, and the Jupiter arrival date.
AAS PAPER 87-422
