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タイトルCalculating Trajectories And Orbits
著者(英)Ekelund, John E.; Legerton, Victor N.; Alderson, Daniel J.; Moultrie, Benjamin A.; Campbell, James K.; Hintz, Gerarld R.; Ellis, Jordan; Stavert, L. Robert; Mottinger, Neil A.; Rinker, Sheryl L.; Brady, Franklyn H.; Breckheimer, Peter J.; Ryne, Mark S.; Mccreary, Faith A.; Christensen, Carl S.; Mitchell, Robert T.; Collier, James B.; Goltz, Gene L.; Moyer, Theodore D.; Sunseri, Richard F.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述Double-Precision Trajectory Analysis Program, DPTRAJ, and Orbit Determination Program, ODP, developed and improved over years to provide highly reliable and accurate navigation capability for deep-space missions like Voyager. Each collection of programs working together to provide desired computational results. DPTRAJ, ODP, and supporting utility programs capable of handling massive amounts of data and performing various numerical calculations required for solving navigation problems associated with planetary fly-by and lander missions. Used extensively in support of NASA's Voyager project. DPTRAJ-ODP available in two machine versions. UNIVAC version, NPO-15586, written in FORTRAN V, SFTRAN, and ASSEMBLER. VAX/VMS version, NPO-17201, written in FORTRAN V, SFTRAN, PL/1 and ASSEMBLER.
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