JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルVLBI observation results: GALAXY. Real-time VLBI for radio astronomy observations
著者(日)藤沢 健太; 川口 則幸; 小林 秀行; 井口 聖; 宮地 竹史; 徂徠 和夫; 近藤 哲朗; 小山 泰弘; 中島 潤一; 関戸 衛
著者(英)Fujisawa, Kenta; Kawaguchi, Noriyuki; Kobayashi, Hideyuki; Iguchi, Satoru; Miyaji, Takeshi; Sorai, Kazuo; Kondo, Tetsuro; Koyama, Yasuhiro; Nakajima, Junichi; Sekido, Mamoru
著者所属(日)国立天文台; 国立天文台; 国立天文台; 国立天文台; 国立天文台; 国立天文台; 通信総合研究所 鹿島宇宙通信センター 宇宙電波応用研究室; 通信総合研究所 鹿島宇宙通信センター; 通信総合研究所 鹿島宇宙通信センター 宇宙電波応用研究室; 通信総合研究所 鹿島宇宙通信センター 宇宙電波応用研究室
著者所属(英)National Astronomical Observatory; National Astronomical Observatory; National Astronomical Observatory; National Astronomical Observatory; National Astronomical Observatory; National Astronomical Observatory; Communications Research Laboratory Radio Astronomy Applications Section, Kashima Space Research Center; Communications Research Laboratory Kashima Space Research Center; Communications Research Laboratory Radio Astronomy Applications Section, Kashima Space Research Center; Communications Research Laboratory Radio Astronomy Applications Section, Kashima Space Research Center
発行機関などCommunications Research Laboratory
刊行物名Journal of the Communications Research Laboratory
抄録GALAXY is a research project on advanced VLBI technology, jointly conducted by CRL, NAO, and NTT. The testbed of the project is a 2.5-Gb/s ultra-high speed network using Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). One of the aims of this project is to achieve high-sensitivity VLBI observation with this gigabit class network. GALAXY network consists of KSP and OLIVE networks provided by NTT and spans 200 km range. The sensitivity achieved in the current observation system is comparable to the world highest class (approximately 10 mJy) using conventional VLBI samplers. This short baseline and high-sensitivity make GALAXY a unique VLBI network for astronomy in the world. Here is described the properties of GALAXY network and observations focusing on some unique results that can be achieved with the capability of GALAXY. Developments of new networking technology such as Internet Protocol (IP) with GALAXY network are also presented.
キーワードGALAXY; astronomical observation; very long base interferometry; radio astronomy; asynchronous transfer mode; SHF; network; digital data; GALAXY; ギガビット天体大アレイ・クロス接続ネットワーク; 天体観測; 超長基線干渉; 電波天文学; 非同期転送モード; SHF; ネットワーク; デジタルデータ
資料種別Technical Report
