JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルTemperature characteristics of silicon space solar cells and underlying parameters
著者(英)Garlick, G. F. J.; Kachare, Ram; Anspaugh, B. E.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述Silicon space cells, 2 cm x 2 cm, with 10 ohm-cm p-base resistivity, 8-mil base thickness, and no back-surface fields have been investigated over the temperature range from 301 to 223 K by measurements of dark forward and reverse current-voltage characteristics and current-voltage relations under illumination. From dark forward bias data, the first and second diode saturation currents, I01 and I02, are determined and hence the base diffusion length and lifetime of minority carriers as functions of temperature. Lifetime increases exponentially with temperature and is explained by a Shockley-Read-Hall model with deep recombination levels 0.245 eV above the valence band. The I02 variation with temperature follows the Sah-Noyce-Shockley-Choo model except at low temperature where extra transitions raise the value above the predicted level. Reverse bias current at low voltage is a thermally assisted tunneling process via deep levels which are observed in base recombination at higher temperatures. The tunneling effects tend to become independent of temperature in the low-temperature region. These results demonstrate the ability to deduce basic parameters such as lifetime from simple measurements and show that back-surface fields offer no advantage at temperatures below 230 K. The analysis also explains the fall in lifetimes observed as the base conductivity increases, attributing it to native defects (perhaps carbon-oxygen-vacancy complexes) rather than the concentration of base dopant.
