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タイトルNoise characteristics of model counter-rotating Prop-Fans
著者(英)Magliozzi, B.
著者所属(英)Hamilton Standard Div., United Aircraft Corp.
内容記述Results of acoustics tests of 24.5 in. diameter model counter-rotating propfans are presented. In these tests several configurations were investigated, including tractors and pushers downstream of a pylon, both at zero degrees and at four degrees angle-of-attack. The effects on noise of spacing between rotors and between the pylon and the rotors were also measured. Effects of rotor spacing were found to cause small changes in noise. Increasing blade count from 5-front and 5-rear to 6-front and 6-rear results in about a 1 EPNdB reduction in noise. Increasing only the front rotor blade count to six blades resulted in a noise reduction of about 2 EPNdB. The presence of the pylon resulted in a 1 EPNdB increase in noise. Angle of attack effects showed an increase of 3.5 EPNdB for the tractor configuration and only 1.5 EPNdB for the pusher configuration. Tip speed was found to be the strongest parameter in reducing noise. However, for a given thrust loading, an optimum tip speed is seen. Correlations between measurements and predictions are shown to be in good agreement.
AIAA PAPER 87-2656
