JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルGravity waves and convection in Colorado during July 1983
著者(英)Clark, W. L.; Vanzandt, T. E.; Einaudi, F.; Fua, D.; Green, J. L.
著者所属(英)Istituto di Fisica dell Atmosfera|NASA Goddard Space Flight Center|National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration|Georgia Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The dynamics of gravity-wave/convective-cell interaction is studied using NOAA data collected in NE Colorado during July and August 1983. The pressure fields measured with microbarographs, the tropospheric wind profiles obtained with a UHF wind profiler radar, and precipitation data collected with a 10-cm weather radar for four events (A, B, C, and D) are analyzed. The four disturbances are detected through a substantial depth of the troposphere. It is observed that in event A the wave and convective cells appear to be locked together; in event B, the wave and convective cells commence about the same time, but the wave velocities differ from the cell velocities; and in events C and D, the waves move faster than the maximum wind in the jet and faster than the convective cells. It is suggested that events A and B are generated by wind shear in the jet stream, and the excitation of events C and D depends on mechanisms such as vertical convective motion and acceleration in the jet flow.
