JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルDynamic data acquisition, reduction, and analysis for the identification of high-speed compressor component post-stability characteristics
著者(英)Hosny, W. M.; Dvorak, S. D.; Taylor, J. H.; Steenken, W. G.
著者所属(英)General Electric Co.; General Electric Co.
内容記述A compressor test was conducted in which transient data were obtained for the purpose of identifying the high-speed post-stability characteristics. The transient, surge-cycle nature of high-speed post-stability operation precludes the possibility of obtaining the characteristics in a steady-state manner, as is possible during low-speed poststability operation, which is characterized by quasi-steady rotating-stall behavior. Specialized compressor instrumentation was developed and was used to obtain the necessary surge-cycle performance data, which were then digitized, filtered, and analyzed. The high-speed post-stability characteristics were obtained through the use of a maximum likelihood-parameter estimation technique. The estimated characteristics were found to be insensitive to the presence of measurement noise and unmodelled system dynamics, but the compressor time-response constants, which were also estimated, were more sensitive to these same disturbances.
AIAA PAPER 87-2089
