JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルImmunoblotting of T-type Ca(2+) channel protein in mouse brain and embryonic heart by using two antibodies against Ca(sub v)3.1 channels
その他のタイトルCa(sub v)3.1チャネルに対する2個の抗体を用いるマウスの脳と胚性心臓におけるT-タイプCa(2+)チャネル蛋白質の免疫ブロット法
著者(日)丹羽 統子; 安井 健二; 北條 真弓; 児玉 逸雄
著者(英)Niwa, Noriko; Yasui, Kenji; Hojo, Mayumi; Kodama, Itsuo
著者所属(日)名古屋大学環境医学研究所 器官系機能調節部門 循環器分野; 名古屋大学環境医学研究所 器官系機能調節部門 循環器分野; 名古屋大学環境医学研究所 器官系機能調節部門 循環器分野; 名古屋大学環境医学研究所 器官系機能調節部門 循環器分野
著者所属(英)Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University Department of Circulation, Division of Regulation of Organ Function; Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University Department of Circulation, Division of Regulation of Organ Function; Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University Department of Circulation, Division of Regulation of Organ Function; Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University Department of Circulation, Division of Regulation of Organ Function
刊行物名Environmental Medicine
Environmental Medicine
抄録T-type Ca(2+) channels are particularly abundant in neuronal tissue and immature cardiac heart and mediate burst firing and pacemaker activity. Northern blot analyses have demonstrated that one subtype of T-type Ca(2+) channels, Ca(sub v)3.1 (alpha 1-G), mRNA is predominantly expressed in adult brain and immature heart. However, the protein expression of Ca(sub v)3.1 channels is not clear, since the anti-Ca(sub v)3.1 antibodies have not been commercially available until recently. To examine the usefulness of the new commercial antibodies against Ca(sub v)3.1; sc-16259 and sc-16260, Western blot analysis of adult brain and embryonic heart of mouse was performed. sc-16259 and sc-16260 may not be suitable for detection of Ca(sub v)3.1 channel protein in mouse tissue samples.
キーワードmouse; brain; heart; embryo; tissue; T-type calcium ion channel; immunoblotting; antibody; マウス; 脳; 心臓; 胚; 組織; T-タイプカルシウムイオンチャネル; 免疫ブロット法; 抗体
資料種別Technical Report
