JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルA unique measurement technique to study laminar-separation bubble characteristics on an airfoil
著者(英)Mangalam, S. M.; Stack, J. P.; Berry, S. A.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center; Analytical Services and Materials, Inc.
内容記述A 'nonintrusive', multielement heat-transfer sensor was designed to study laminar-separation bubble characteristics on a NASA LRN (1)-1010 low-Reynolds number airfoil. The sensor consists of 30 individual nickel films, vacuum-deposited on a thin substrate (0.05 mm) that was bonded to the airfoil model with the sensor array placed streamwise on the airfoil upper surface. Experiments were conducted on a 15-cm chord model in the 50,000-300,000 chord Reynolds number range. Time history as well as spectral analysis of signals from surface film gauges were simultaneously obtained to determine the location of laminar separation and the subsequent behavior of the separated shear layer. In addition to the successful determination of laminar separation, a new phenomenon involving a large phase shift in dynamic shear stresses across the separation and reattachment points was observed.
AIAA PAPER 87-1271
