JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルCardiovascular results from a rhesus monkey flown aboard the Cosmos 1514 spaceflight
著者(英)Krotov, V. P.; Sandler, H.; Hines, J.; Benjamin, B. A.; Halpryn, B. M.
著者所属(英)Institute of Biomedical Problems|NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述The results of the Cosmos 1514 cardiovascular experiment, in which the blood flow to the head and the carotid pressure of a rhesus monkey were measured during the 5-d spaceflight, are reported. A single cylindrical probe containing both pressure and flow transducers was chronically implanted as a cuff around the left common carotid artery; measurements were obtained for 4 min every 2 h and compared to identical recordings obtained during a preflight control period and during 12 h on a launch pad. Immediately on its insertion into orbit, mean arterial pressure increased by 10 percent and has maintained a 16-27 percent increase over the first few hours of flight before returning to baseline level. Blood flow showed reciprocal changes to pressure on orbital insertion. Cardiovascular system changes persisted into the second day of flight, with the signs of adaptation appearing on days 3-5.
