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タイトルA comparison of the C III, O V, F VI, and Ne VII Delta n = 0 (2-2) line emissions from a laboratory plasma with theoretical predictions and astrophysical observations
著者(英)Lippmann, S.; Finkenthal, M.; Moos, H. W.; Huang, L. K.; Yu, . L.; Stratton, B. C.; Bhatia, A. K.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center|Johns Hopkins Univ.
内容記述Spectra of the Delta n = 0 (2-2) transitions of Be I-like ions, C III, O V, F VI, and Ne VII emitted from the TEXT tokamak, were measured with photometrically calibrated instrumentation and compared to the predictions of several models which differ in their treatment of electron impact excitation, using either the distorted wave or R-matrix approach. It was found that the ions from C III to Ne VII were located near the edge of the plasma, at densities between 10 to the 12th and 13th/cu cm. The experimental line ratios were compared with several sets of computations. Agreement is obtained between the experimental data and computations by using the R-matrix technique. This leads to the conclusion that the effect resonances must be included in collision strength calculations, particularly at low nuclear charge. The results show that the line ratios studied may be used with confidence as electron density diagnostics for laboratory or astrophysical plasmas.
