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タイトルDifferential electron scattering cross sections for the first optically forbidden and resonance transitions in Mg II, Zn II and Cd II
著者(英)Mawhorter, R. J.; Chutjian, A.; Williams, I. D.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述Differential electron scattering cross sections have been measured for dipole-forbidden and resonance transitions in Mg II, Zn II and Cd II in the angular range theta = 4-17 deg at 50 eV. These provide the first recorded angular distributions for an optically forbidden transition. It is found that while the cross section for excitation of the 4s (2)S-3d(9)4s(2) (2)D transition in Zn II is small, those for the 3s (2)S-3d (2)D, 4s (2)S (unresolved lines) in Mg II, and the 5s (2)S-4d(9)5s(2) D in Cd II are comparable in magnitude with the cross sections for resonance excitation. In addition, for Cd II it is found that the allowed and forbidden transitions have very similar angular distributions, and it is proposed that excitation to the 2D state may be dominated by a virtual 'double-dipole' transition via the 2P state. Also, the total excitation cross section of the resonance 2P state in Cd II is a factor of four higher than that predicted by the Gaunt factor approximation, suggesting that the accepted value for the oscillator strength may be too low.
