JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルLaminar flow research applicable to subsonic aircraft
著者(英)Wagner, R. D.; Hefner, J. N.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述Since the beginning of the NASA Aircraft Energy Efficiency (ACEE) program in 1976, significant progress has been made in the development of laminar flow technology for general aviation, commuter, and transport aircraft. Exploitation of new materials, fabrication methods, analysis techniques, and design concepts is providing convincing evidence that practical laminar flow control (LFC) systems for these future subsonic aircraft could become a reality. Program studies indicate that extensive laminar flow might be achieved on small transports with natural laminar flow (NLF) wings and larger transports with hybrid laminar flow (i.e., leading-edge suction on an NLF type of wing). This paper presents an overview of these laminar flow technology developments and describes future efforts in a broadened NASA program to explore the potential and to evaluate the practicality of different laminar flow concepts for commercial transports.
