JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルA study of spectrum fatigue crack propagation in two aluminum alloys. I - Spectrum simplification. II - Influence of microstructures
著者(英)Antolovich, S. D.; Telesman, J.
著者所属(英)Georgia Inst. of Tech.|NASA Lewis Research Center
内容記述An investigation of the fatigue crack propagation FCP behavior of two aluminum alloys is performed to simulate spectrum loading conditions found at critical locations in high performance fighter aircraft. Negative loads are shown to be eliminated for the tension-compression spectrum for low to intermediate maximum stress intensities, and load interactions are found to be more significant at higher stress intensities and with more plasticity at the crack tip. In the second part, the influence of microstructural features including grain size, inclusions, and dispersoids on constant amplitude and spectrum crack growth behavior in aluminum alloys is studied. At low stress intensities the I/M alloy demonstrated better FCP resistance than the P/M 7091 alloy for both constant amplitude and spectrum testing, and the inhomogeneous planar slip and large grain size of 7050 limit dislocation interactions, thereby improving FCP performance.
