JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルNumerical analysis of flow in the hot gas manifold of the Space Shuttle main engine
著者(英)Singhal, A. K.; Mukerjee, T.; Costes, N. C.; Przekwas, A. J.; Owens, S. F.; Glynn, D. R.
著者所属(英)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center; CHAM of North America, Inc.
内容記述This paper presents a numerical model and results of analyses carried out to characterize the flow through the two duct configuration of the Hot Gas Manifold of the Space Shuttle Main Engine. Three dimensional computations have been performed for a half-scale air test model using a nonorthogonal body-fitted coordinate system. The calculation domain is extended from the inlet of the turnaround duct to the exit of the transfer duct. Three test cases, one for laminar flow and two for turbulent flow, have been considered. For turbulent flows, constant eddy viscosity and the k-epsilon model of turbulence were employed. As expected, laminar flow calculation predicts much larger pressure drop than turbulent flow cases. The turbulent flow results are in good agreement with the available flow-visualization data. This study and experimental data indicate that the two-transfer duct design will significantly improve the flow distribution in the Hot Gas Manifold and thereby enhance the overall performance of the SSME.
AIAA PAPER 86-1514
