JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルDevelopment of sensor augmented robotic weld systems for aerospace propulsion system fabrication
著者(英)Gangl, K. J.; Jones, C. S.
著者所属(英)Rockwell International Corp.; NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
内容記述In order to meet stringent performance goals for power and reuseability, the Space Shuttle Main Engine was designed with many complex, difficult welded joints that provide maximum strength and minimum weight. To this end, the SSME requires 370 meters of welded joints. Automation of some welds has improved welding productivity significantly over manual welding. Application has previously been limited by accessibility constraints, requirements for complex process control, low production volumes, high part variability, and stringent quality requirements. Development of robots for welding in this application requires that a unique set of constraints be addressed. This paper shows how robotic welding can enhance production of aerospace components by addressing their specific requirements. A development program at the Marshall Space Flight Center combining industrial robots with state-of-the-art sensor systems and computer simulation is providing technology for the automation of welds in Space Shuttle Main Engine production.
AIAA PAPER 86-1482
