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タイトルEffects of wind-tunnel noise on swept-cylinder transition at Mach 3.5
著者(英)Creel, T. R., Jr.; Chen, F.-J.; Beckwith, I. E.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述Transition data are reported for circular cylinders at swept angles of 45 and 60 degrees in the Mach 3.5 pilot-low-disturbance tunnel where free-stream noise levels are varied from approximately .05-0.5 percent in terms of the rms fluctuating pressure normalized by the mean static pressure. Results indicate that end plate or boundary layer trip disturbances at the upstream end of the cylinders cause turbulent flow along the entire test Reynolds number range of 10-170 thousand per inch. With all end plate and trip disturbances removed, transition at the attachment lines occurred at free-stream Reynolds numbers based on diameters of about 70-80 thousand, independent of stream noise levels. The installation of small trips on the attachement lines caused transition at lower Reynolds numbers, depending on both the roughness height and the wind tunnel noise level.
AIAA PAPER 86-1085
