JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルThe origin of dwarf galaxies, cold dark matter, and biased galaxy formation
著者(英)Dekel, A.; Silk, J.
著者所属(英)Yale Univ.|California Univ.|Weizmann Inst. of Science
内容記述A reexamination is conducted of the formation of dwarf, diffuse, metal-poor galaxies due to supernova-driven winds, in view of data on the systematic properties of dwarfs in the Local Group and Virgo Cluster. The critical condition for global gas loss as a result of the first burst of star formation is that the virial velocity lie below an approximately 100 km/sec critical value. This leads, as observed, to two distinct classes of galaxies, encompassing the diffuse dwarfs, which primarily originate from typical density perturbations, and the normal, brighter galaxies, including compact dwarfs, which can originate only from the highest density peaks. This furnishes a statistical biasing mechanism for the preferential formation of bright galaxies in denser regions, enhancing high surface brightness galaxies' clustering relative to the diffusive dwarfs.
