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タイトルBlended SST fields combined SMMR/ship data (summary of technique)
著者(英)Han, D.; Wilheit, T. T.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述All remote sensors have bias problems which vary in space and time. The infrared measurements are very sparse in cloudy areas: the SMMR has coverage limitations due to the interference of land areas and only half time operation. If one simply averaged the data from these various sources, the combination of the biases and varying sampling would introduce artifacts into the analyzed product which would reflect the sampling and which could be quite misleading. The remote sensors provide reasonable estimates of gradients of SST over length scales greater than the sensor resolution but smaller than hemispheric. Ships can be considered unbiased but are poorly distributed on small scales except in the densest shipping lanes. An analysis scheme based on a suggestion by Holl was developed which exploits just this approximately complementarity to provide an improved SST analysis. The resulting accuracy appears to be in the required approx. 0.5 C range for the particular case of using SMMR and ship data to produce two degree latitude by two degrees longitude monthly analyses.
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