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タイトルThe definition of the Shuttle Tethered Aerothermodynamic Research Facility
著者(英)Henry, M. W.; Siemers, P. M., III; Flanagan, P. F.; Wood, G. M., Jr.; Wolf, H.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center; Analytical Mechanics Associates, Inc.
内容記述Studies have been conducted to define the feasibility and practical limitations of the Shuttle Orbiter Tethered 'wind-tunnel' concept. This concept, referred to as the Shuttle Tethered Aerothermodynamic Research Facility (STARFAC), is proposed to provide researchers access to altitudes above 90 km to accomplish aerothermodynamic research in the rarefied upper atmosphere. Determining the feasibility and limitations of the concept has required the enhancement and/or development of mission simulation analytical techniques and control laws; the accomplishment of candidate mission simulations; the definition of instrumentation requirements, both for science and engineering; and the establishment of tether and satellite design requirements to meet STARFAC objectives. The results of the study, to date, indicate that such a concept is both feasible and practical. Representative results are presented, as are recommendations for continued studies which would result in program implementation.
AIAA PAPER 85-1794
