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タイトルA comparison of Euler and Navier-Stokes solutions for supersonic flow over a conical delta wing
著者(英)Newsome, R. W.
著者所属(英)Air Force Wright Aeronautical Labs.; NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述The flow around a thin elliptic cone at Mach number 2 and angle of attack 10 deg is simulated numerically, comparing the results obtained using a fine grid and the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations with those obtained using both coarse and fine grids and the Euler (E) equations. On the coarse grid, the E results are found to reproduce roughly the NS predictions of leading-edge separation and primary and secondary vortices on the leeward surface, but the E solution on the fine NS grid (showing no separation and a crossflow-shock-induced vorticity) reveals this agreement to be spurious. The fine-grid E prediction is shown to be a valid solution of the E equations, indicating their unsuitability as approximators of viscous flow. The imposition of a Kutta condition on the E computation is found to be ineffective in correcting this discrepancy.
AIAA PAPER 85-0111
