JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルFlow visualization of lateral jet injection into swirling crossflow
著者(英)Lilley, D. G.; Ferrell, G. B.; Aoki, K.
著者所属(英)Texas Technological Univ.; Oklahoma State Univ.; Tokai Univ.
内容記述Flow visualization experiments have been conducted to characterize the time-mean flowfield of a deflected turbulent jet in a confining cylindrical crossflow. Jet-to-crossflow velocity ratios of 2, 4, and 6 were investigated, under crossflow inlet swirler vane angles of 0 (swirler removed), 45 and 70 degrees. Smoke, neutrally-buoyant helium-filled soap bubbles, and multi-spark flow visualization were employed to highlight interesting features of the deflected jet, as well as the trajectory and spread pattern of the jet. Gross flowfield characterization was obtained for a range of lateral jet-to-crossflow velocity ratios and a range of inlet swirl strengths in the main flow. The flow visualization results agree well with the measurements obtained elsewhere with the six-orientation single hot-wire method.
AIAA PAPER 85-0059
