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タイトルThe first dedicated life sciences Spacelab mission
著者(英)Leonard, J. I.; Rummel, J. A.; Perry, T. W.; Griffiths, L. D.; White, R. J.
著者所属(英)NASA Headquarters; Management and Technical Services Co.
内容記述JIt is pointed out that the Shuttle-borne Spacelab provides the capability to fly large numbers of life sciences experiments, to retrieve and rescue experimental equipment, and to undertake multiple-flight studies. A NASA Life Sciences Flight Experiments Program has been organized with the aim to take full advantages of this capability. A description is provided of the scientific aspects of the most ambitious Spacelab mission currently being conducted in connection with this program, taking into account the First Dedicated Life Sciences Spacelab Mission. The payload of this mission will contain the equipment for 24 separate investigations. It is planned to perform the mission on two separate seven-day Spacelab flights, the first of which is currently scheduled for early 1986. Some of the mission objectives are related to the study of human and animal responses which occur promptly upon achieving weightlessness.
IAF PAPER 84-170
