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タイトルFracture behavior in silicon
著者(英)Chen, C. P.; Leipold, M. H.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述The fracture mechanics of crystalline Si are reviewed, together with known techniques for minimizing the occurences of fracture and/or their effects. The fracture toughness (Kic) of Si varies only 10 percent from cell-to-cell and standard values have been established for different types of crystalline Si cells. A critical flaw size of 10-100 microns has been identified, and also pertains to polycrystalline materials. Chemical polishing is known to double the value of Kic, while edge rounding has no effect. Internal stresses, particularly those caused during ribbon growth, do not exceed 10 percent of Kic. External stresses are imposed by the module hardware and the ambient environment. Multiple contacts reduce the effects of cell fracture and series-parallel wiring in modules in arrays ameliorates the effects of single-cell failures. During manufacturing, maintenance of quality control and removal of sheets displaying aberrations can, depending on the costs and the implementation of the array reliability features, result in arrays delivering any desired level of reliability.
