JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルA 200-MeV pi(+) induced nucleon removal from 24Mg
著者(英)Stronach, C. E.; Norton, J.; Mcadams, R. E.; Joyce, D.; Funsten, H. O.; Lieb, B. J.; Otteson, O. H.; Plendl, H. S.; Swenson, L. W.; Lind, V. G.
著者所属(英)College of William and Mary
内容記述Nuclear gamma rays in coincidence with outgoing pions and/or protons following single nucleon removal from Mg24 by 200 MeV pi(+) were detected with Ge(Li) detectors. Differential cross sections are reported for gamma rays from the first excited mirror states of Na23 to Mg23 in coincidence with positive pions and/or protons detected in particle telescopes at 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 deg; angle integrated absolute cross sections and cross section ratios sigma (Mg23/sigma (Na23) are calculated. These results are compared with the predictions of the one step quasifree (OSQF), the intranuclear cascade (INC), and the nucleon charge exchange (NCX) reaction models. The OSQF and the INC calculations generally agree with the experimental results, while the NCX calculations are in disagreement.
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