JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSummary presentation of the technology and test panel
著者(英)Siemers, P.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述Tether related technology issues were investigated along with potential applications. Several of the applications do not derive necessarily from nor are they related to a technology issue. Tether designs must concern itself with length requirements (whether the tether is to be flexible or stiff) and what the environmental impact is on the particular material that is proposed for the tether. As far as tether manufacturing techniques, a lot of technology related work is required to develop cost effective manfacturing capabilities for the future tether. There are techniques that are used on the ground now. However, after some of the proposed applications are determined to be feasible, it may be that the best way to manufacture the tether is to pretend the satellite is a spider and allow it to spin its own web in space. The technology required to developed tapered tethers was considered. Definition of the taper, where the center of that taper should be, and the taper's relation to the end masses are all of concern.
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