JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルDiagnostic application of highly ionized iron lines in the XUV spectrum of a solar flare
著者(英)Kastner, S. O.; Neupert, W. M.; Swartz, M.; Mason, H. E.; Bhatia, A. K.
著者所属(英)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center|British Columbia Univ.|Cambridge Univ.
内容記述Recent atomic data have been used to analyze a solar flare spectrum obtained with the Goddard Space Flight Center's grating spectrometer on the OSO-5 satellite. There exist in the wavelength region 90-200 A strong lines from each of the ions Fe XVIII-Fe XXIV. The Fe XXI lines can be used as an electron density diagnostic for the 10 to the 7th K plasma. From an analysis of a particular flare, a steep positive slope in the emission measure between 10 to the 6.5th and 10 to the 7.2th K and an electron density of about 4 x 10 to the 11th per cu cm at 10 to the 7th K is found. The need is emphasized for high spectral and spatial resolution observations of solar flares in this wavelength region, which has to date been largely neglected.
