JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルObservations of quasi-coherent soft X-ray oscillations in U Geminorum and SS Cygni
著者(英)Chester, T. J.; Cordova, F. A.; Mason, K. O.; Kahn, S. M.; Garmire, G. P.
著者所属(英)Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech.|Los Alamos Scientific Lab.|Pennsylvania State Univ.|Mullard Space Science Lab.|Columbia Univ.
内容記述During the HEAO 1 satellite's detection of soft X-ray pulsations from U Geminorum and SS Cygni, both of these dwarf novae were on the declining phase of an optical outburst. The pulsations are quasi-coherent in character, with average pulse amplitudes of 15 percent for U Gem and 18 percent for SS Cyg. From pulse phase X-ray spectroscopic data, an upper limit of 50 percent may be set on any variation in temperature across U Gem's pulse. Attention is given to all data on the X-ray and optical pulsations thus far detected in these two novae, and the observational constraints on the various current models for the pulsations are discussed.
