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タイトルCalibration of a stack of NaI scintillators at the Berkeley Bevalac
著者(英)Lau, K.; Buffington, A.; Schindler, S. M.; Rasmussen, I. L.
著者所属(英)Danish Space Research Inst.; California Inst. of Tech.
内容記述An analysis of the carbon and argon data reveals that essentially all of the charge-changing fragmentation reactions within the stack can be identified and removed by imposing the simple criteria relating the observed energy deposition profiles to the expected Bragg curve depositions. It is noted that these criteria are even capable of identifying approximately one-third of the expected neutron-stripping interactions, which in these cases have anomalous deposition profiles. The contribution of mass error from uncertainty in delta E has an upper limit of 0.25 percent for Mn; this produces an associated mass error for the experiment of about 0.14 amu. It is believed that this uncertainty will change little with changing gamma. Residual errors in the mapping produce even smaller mass errors for lighter isotopes, whereas photoelectron fluctuations and delta-ray effects are approximately the same independent of the charge and energy deposition.
