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タイトルAccuracy of relative positioning by interferometry with GPS Double-blind test results
著者(英)Whitney, A. R.; Snyder, R. E.; Cappallo, R. J.; Rogers, A. E. E.; Gourevitch, S. A.; Herring, T. A.; Greenspan, R. L.; Counselman, C. C., III; King, B. W.; Shapiro, I. I.
著者所属(英)Massachusetts Inst. of Tech.|Draper (Charles Stark) Lab., Inc.|Northeast Radio Observatory Corp.|Steinbrecher Corp.
内容記述MITES (Miniature Interferometer Terminals for Earth Surveying) observations conducted on December 17 and 29, 1980, are analyzed. It is noted that the time span of the observations used on each day was 78 minutes, during which five satellites were always above 20 deg elevation. The observations are analyzed to determine the intersite position vectors by means of the algorithm described by Couselman and Gourevitch (1981). The average of the MITES results from the two days is presented. The rms differences between the two determinations of the components of the three vectors, which were about 65, 92, and 124 m long, were 8 mm for the north, 3 mm for the east, and 6 mm for the vertical. It is concluded that, at least for short distances, relative positioning by interferometry with GPS can be done reliably with subcentimeter accuracy.
