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タイトルVectorized schemes for conical potential flow using the artificial density method
著者(英)South, J. C., Jr.; Dwoyer, D. L.; Bradley, P. F.; Keen, J. M.
著者所属(英)NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述A method is developed to determine solutions to the full-potential equation for steady supersonic conical flow using the artificial density method. Various update schemes used generally for transonic potential solutions are investigated. The schemes are compared for speed and robustness. All versions of the computer code have been vectorized and are currently running on the CYBER-203 computer. The update schemes are vectorized, where possible, either fully (explicit schemes) or partially (implicit schemes). Since each version of the code differs only by the update scheme and elements other than the update scheme are completely vectorizable, comparisons of computational effort and convergence rate among schemes are a measure of the specific scheme's performance. Results are presented for circular and elliptical cones at angle of attack for subcritical and supercritical crossflows.
AIAA PAPER 84-0162
