タイトル | Development of plane strain fracture toughness test for ceramics using Chevron notched specimens |
著者(英) | Munz, D.; Shannon, J. L., Jr.; Bubsey, R. T. |
著者所属(英) | Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt|NASA Lewis Research Center |
発行日 | 1983-01-01 |
言語 | eng |
内容記述 | Chevron-notched four-point-bend and short-bar specimens have been used to determine the fracture toughness of sintered aluminum oxide and hot-pressed silicon nitride ceramics. The fracture toughness for Si3N4 is found to be essentially independent of the specimen size and chevron notch configuration, with values ranging from 4.6 to 4.9 MNm exp -3/2. In contrast, significant specimen size and notch geometry effects have been observed for Al2O3, with the fracture toughness ranging from 3.1 to 4.7 MNm exp -3/2. These effects are attributed to a rising crack growth resistance curve for the Al2O3 tested. |
レポートNO | 84A11676 |
権利 | Copyright |
URI | https://repository.exst.jaxa.jp/dspace/handle/a-is/400902 |