JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSimulating certain aspects of hypogravity: Effects on the mandibular incisors of suspended rats (PULEH model)
著者(英)Simmons, D. J.; Morey-Holton, E. R.; Winter, F.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述The effect of a hypogravity simulating model on the rate of mandibular incisor formation, dentinogenesis and, amelogenesis in laboratory rats was studied. The model is the partial unloading by elevating the hindquarters. In this system, rat hindquarters are elevated 30 to 40 deg from the cage floors to completely unload the hindlimbs, but the animals are free to move about using their forelimbs. This model replicates the fluid sift changes which occur during the weightlessness of spaceflight and produces an osteopenia in the weight bearing skeletons. The histogenesis and/or mineralization rates of the mandibular incisor during the first 19d of PULEH in young growing rats are recorded.
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