JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルMaterials processing in the reduced-gravity environment of space
著者(英)Carruthers, J. R.; Testardi, L. R.
著者所属(英)Hewlett-Packard Labs.; NASA Headquarters
内容記述Studies of the effects of gravitation on the behavior of fluids and the shapes of materials for the years 1977-1982 are reviewed, with a focus on ground-based research which complements and gives direction to experimentation in the reduced-gravity environment of space. Fluid-behavior topics discussed include crystal growth from melts and from vapor, dendritic solidification and casting, multiphase alloy solidification, electrophoresis, convection behavior, and special heat-flow considerations characteristic of the space environment. With regard to solids, such subjects as containerless positioning technology and its applications (in glass preparation, liquid drop and shell studies, nucleation experiments, and measurements of fundamental properties of molten reactants), liquid floating zones, solid self-deformation, and sedimentation and buoyancy effects are considered and illustrated.
