JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルEtiological factors in space motion sickness
著者(英)Graybiel, A.; Lackner, J. R.
著者所属(英)Brandeis Univ.|Naval Aerospace Medical Research Lab.
内容記述The human susceptibility to motion sickness during exposure to sudden-stop stimulation as a function of gravitoinertial force level is studied. It is determined that susceptibility is greatly enhanced, both with eyes-closed and eyes-open, for zero-g and 2-g conditions in parabolic flight compared with 1-g test conditions. It is argued that this change in susceptibility is related to alterations in vestibulo-occular function which result from variations in gravitoinertial force level, the altered patterns of otolithic activity resulting during variations in gravitoinertial force level, and the altered canal-otolith response synergies that result during exposure to gravitoinertial force levels greater or less than terrestrial levels. These factors are found to be related to the etiology of space motion sickness and to the alterations in performance and vestibular function that are experienced by astronauts during reentry. An explanation is presented for the decrease in susceptibility to motion sickness exhibited by the Skylab astronauts inflight and for some period postflight during exposure to cross-coupled angular accelerations.
