JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルThe rate of occurrence of dayside Pc 3,4 pulsations - The L-value dependence of the IMF cone angle effect
著者(英)Odera, T. J.; Russell, C. T.; Stuart, W. F.; Luhmann, J. G.
著者所属(英)California Univ.|Institute of Geological Sciences|Nairobi Univ.
内容記述When the angle of the IMF to the earth sun line is 15 deg or less, the occurrence rate of dayside Pc 3,4 pulsations in 7-8 times the average at L values of 2.4-2.8, and 2.2-3.5 times the average at L of 4-4.3. These waves disappear when the IMF is nearly at right angles to the sun-earth line. Such observations are consistent with a source originating in the waves upstream of the subsolar bow shock, which are transported by convection to the magnetopause. There, they couple to oscillations of magnetospheric field lines. Because the magnetospheric plasma's index of refraction decreases with radial distance except at the plasmapause, inwardly propagating waves should be refracted away from the radial direction. To reach low L values, the waves should therefore couple near the stagnation point and propagate nearly radially inwards. The streamline geometry and its connection to the foreshock region is illustrated for various IMF orientations, using a simple approximation to the magnetosheath flow field.
