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タイトルFive years of photometry of Sigma Geminorum
著者(英)Vaucher, C. A.; Henry, G. W.; Hopkins, J. L.; Hall, D. S.; Sabia, J. D.; Krisciunas, K.; Eaton, J. A.; Landis, H. J.; Chambliss, C. R.; Fried, R. E.
著者所属(英)Dyer Observatory
内容記述Thirteen observatories have collaborated in obtaining five years of photoelectric photometry for the bright, K1 III RS CVn binary Sigma Geminorum. Except for one year, the light curve has exhibited two minima which are separated by approximately half a cycle. At the 1977.2 epoch of discovery one minimum was shallower, but as of 1982.2 they have become comparable in depth. During the 1979-80 season, the light curve changed shape rapidly, with the shallower minimum becoming as deep as the other within a period of no more than 80 days. The overall brightness range during the five years in V has been 4.13-4.29 mag, and it is found that the times of both minima can be fit with a photometric period of 19.423 days.
