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タイトルThe large scale dust distribution in the inner galaxy
著者(英)Stier, M.; Dwek, E.; Hauser, M. G.; Silverberg, R.; Kelsall, T.; Cheung, L.; Gezari, D.
著者所属(英)Maryland Univ.|NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述Initial results are presented from a new large-scale survey of the first quadrant of the galactic plane at wavelengths of 160, 260, and 300 microns. The submillimeter wavelength emission, interpreted as thermal radiation by dust grains, reveals an optically thin disk of angular width about 0.09 deg (FWHM) with a mean dust temperature of 23 K and significant variation of the dust mass column density. Comparison of the dust column density with the gas column density inferred from CO survey data shows a striking spatial correlation. The mean luminosity per hydrogen atom is found to be 2.5 x 10 to the -30th W/H, implying a radiant energy density in the vicinity of the dust an order of magnitude larger than in the solar neighborhood. The data favor dust in molecular clouds as the dominant submillimeter radiation source.
