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タイトルConvair 990 transonic flow-field simulation about the forward fuselage
著者(英)Buning, P. G.; Kirk, D. B.; Chaussee, D. S.
著者所属(英)NASA Ames Research Center
内容記述A three-dimensional, viscous flow code was used to calculate the transonic flow about the forebody of the Convair CV-990 (Galileo II) research aircraft stationed at NASA Ames Research Center. The computations were used to determine the location for a differential pressure system. In addition, attitude sensor placements were verified. These instruments comprise a meteorological measurement system, which will be used for global determination of three-dimensional wind data. The code solves the thin layer form of the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations using an implicit numerical procedure. The governing equations are written in a generalized, nonorthogonal coordinate system, and are cast in a strong conservation law form. Laminar boundary layer results are presented for free stream Mach number of 0.8 and angles of attack of zero and 2 deg. Use of this computational tool reduced the development time for the location of the sensors and aided in the optimal placement on the aircraft of these devices.
AIAA PAPER 83-1785
