JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルSpectral line inversion for sounding of stratospheric minor constituents by infrared heterodyne technique from balloon altitudes
著者(英)Alvarez, J. M.; Abbas, M. M.; Shapiro, G. L.; Allario, F.
著者所属(英)Drexel Univ.|NASA Langley Research Center
内容記述A combination of two different techniques for the inversion of infrared laser heterodyne measurements of tenuous gases in the stratosphere by solar occulation is presented which incorporates the advantages of each technique. An experimental approach and inversion technique are developed which optimize the retrieval of concentration profiles by incorporating the onion peel collection scheme into the spectral inversion technique. A description of an infrared heterodyne spectrometer and the mode of observations for solar occulation measurement is presented, and the results of inversions of some synthetic ClO spectral lines corresponding to solar occulation limb-scans of the stratosphere are examined. A comparison between the new techniques and one of the current techniques indicates that considerable improvement in the accuracy of the retrieved profiles can be achieved. It is found that noise affects the accuracy of both techniques but not in a straightforward manner since there is interaction between the noise level, noise propagation through inversion, and the number of scans leading to an optimum retrieval.
