JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルThe effects of ejecta on the X-ray luminosities of supernova remnants
著者(英)Dopita, M. A.; Tuohy, I. R.; Long, K. S.
著者所属(英)Columbia Univ.|Mount Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatory
内容記述Because X-ray luminosities of most SNRs are dominated by emission from heavy elements, estimates of the X-ray emitting mass based on cosmic abundances may be incorrect. Here we investigate the apparent density evolution of a SNR when substantial amounts of processed material are ejected by the supernova. If this material is shock heated, it will dominate X-ray emission from the remnant long after the SNR has swept up the equivalent amount of interstellar matter (ISM). Emission from metal-rich ejecta may explain why ISM densities of young remnants far from the galactic plane, deduced from standard analysis, are higher than expected, as well as why larger SNRs appear to be lying in regions of lower ISM density. It should be included in detailed calculations of SNR surface brightness distributions, along with effects due to departures from ionization equilibrium and cloudlet evaporation in a multiphase ISM which may also contribute to the apparent evolution of density with radius.
