JAXA Repository / AIREX 未来へ続く、宙(そら)への英知


タイトルOn the adequacy of the fixed locations of the surface-based international network for inferring interannual ozone variability
著者(英)Schlesinger, B. M.; Kaveeshwar, V. G.; Angell, J. K.; Heath, D. F.
著者所属(英)Systems and Applied Sciences Corp.|National Oceanographic Data Center|NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
内容記述The influence of the geographical distribution and the number of the surface stations in the ozone detecting network on changes in global ozone inferred from the surface measurements is investigated by comparison with information obtained from satellite backscattered UV observations on the Nimbus 4 with nearly complete global coverage for the period 1970-1972. Results show that the geographical distribution of the stations does not properly represent different latitudes. While the number of stations in the north temperate zone appears adequate to represent monthly ozone averages to within 0.5% except during the early phase of the Northern Hemisphere spring maximum, the resultant error in the derived change in north temperature zone ozone between 1970-1972 is 0.5%. In the tropical and south temperate zones the smaller number of stations reduces precision, and the ozone averages for use in deriving seasonal variability and trends are uncertain by about 1%. However, in the south temperature zone, the average from the sample may differ as much as 5% in some months from the averages derived from the full set. It is concluded that the resulting uncertainty in the global averages is comparable in size to typical yearly changes.
